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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills

Faustina, Deity of Luck

Faustina is the Deity of Luck and the last phoenix alive. Her body is warm to the touch, and her feathers are capable of turning up in flames when she chooses to do so. As the Deity of Luck, Faustina is the patroness of those that take risks. Many adventurers out there wouldn’t had been able to keep living without her blessing. However, her luck spell doesn’t work for everyone. It is said that if you find one of her feathers and it burns down in your hands, you’ll be cursed forever.


Expelled from the rest of the world

Centuries ago, a race of gigantic birds with the ability of producing fire through their feathers lived in harmony in a volcanic zone known as the "Devil's Cauldron." The area was so hot that any life form that entered it would die instantly. Contrary to this, phoenixes were able to survive perfectly in such hostile conditions, but their lifestyle was deemed as “chaotic” by others due to their destructive nature.

Phoenixes left a path of ashes at any place they flew through. As the Devil’s Cauldron was surrounded by a gigantic forest zone covered in snow, Pavlossus expelled them from such an area and forbid them from leaving that zone until they learned how to control their powers.

However, phoenixes never learned how to stop producing fire and weren’t able to leave that volcanic area in centuries.

A snowstorm at the Devil’s Cauldron

All phoenixes lived in harmony without an established hierarchy. Nevertheless, there was a particular family that had lived longer in that place. Hernia and Gungnir ha