Pugnacious Rot

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Dicey Dangers, Primordial Periodical Game by Joel Hills

Pugnacious Rot

DALL·E 2023-01-02 08.24.58 - Pugnacious Rot.jpg

Pugnacious Rot is a grotesque mollusk-like mushroom that thrives in the damp, shadowy corners of dungeons and caves. Resembling a large, slimy fungus with a thick, rubbery cap, this creature's body is covered in warty protrusions that secrete a foul, acidic mucus. It moves slowly across the ground, leaving a trail of corrosive slime in its wake, and is often mistaken for an ordinary, albeit unsightly, mushroom until it feels threatened.

When disturbed, the Pugnacious Rot reveals its true nature, lashing out by spitting a potent acid at its attacker. This acid can eat through armor and flesh alike, making it a dangerous foe to underestimate. If attacked and injured, the Pugnacious Rot has the unsettling ability to spawn a smaller, fully-formed version of itself from its own damaged flesh. This new creature rapidly grows into a full-sized Pugnacious Rot, turning what initially seemed like a single adversary into a multiplying threat.

Due to its aggressive nature and the ability to rapidly reproduce when harmed, adventurers often prefer to deal with these creatures at a distance, using fire or other means to ensure that no part of the creature remains capable of spawning more of its kind. Pugnacious Rots are a hazard not only because of their acidic attacks but also because they can quickly overwhelm even a well-prepared party if not dealt with swiftly.

Pugnacious Rot Health 3
Reaction 1d6: 1-2 = Ignores You, 3-4 Hostile, 5 Surprise , 6 Spores Explode add 1d6 more Pugnacious Rot
Attack 2 0 0 0 1 0 0
Threat: 1d6: On a 5 or 6 Add another Pugnacious Rot.
Defence 2 0 0 0 3 0 0
Threat: 1d6: On a 6 Add another Pugnacious Rot.
Keyword Mollusk