Waspkin Swashbuckler

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Dicey Dangers, Primordial Periodical Game by Joel Hills

Waspkin Swashbuckler

Waspkin Swashbuckler.jpg

The Waspkin swashbuckler, wielding both sword and stinger with remarkable agility, moves swiftly to defend the Waspkin nest against any threat. With precise strikes from their sword and the lethal potency of their stinger, they fend off intruders with calculated ferocity, ensuring the safety and security of their kin. Their movements are a seamless blend of finesse and strength, showcasing the formidable prowess of the Waspkin in combat. As guardians of the nest, they stand as stalwart protectors, ready to confront any adversary that dares to challenge their territory.

Waspkin Swashbuckler Health 4
Reaction 0-2 Aggressive, 3-5 Hostile, 6+ Cautious
Attack 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Threat: Roll 1d6 on a 6 add +1 White attack die for the combat
Defence 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Threat: None
Keyword Insect


If in a group of 5 or more Waspkin Swashbucklers and there isnt a Waspkin Queen, Roll a d6 on a 4-6 Summon a Waspkin Queen
