Elf Skeleton

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Dicey Dangers, Primordial Periodical Game by Joel Hills

Elf Skeleton

DALL·E 2022-08-14 09.54.22 - elf skeleton.jpg

You've found an elf skeleton. Like their alive peers, they're characterized for their swiftness and elegant movements in the battlefield. It's quite diffcult to approach them, as they jump backwards every time you try to attack them. As melee attacks are practically useless against them, you're only left with two options: run away from them or use long-ranged weapons to destroy their skull.

Elf Skeleton Health 2
Reaction Battle to the death
Attack 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Threat: None
Defence 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Threat: None
Keyword Summon, Undead