Cold Vespid

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Dicey Dangers, Primordial Periodical Game by Joel Hills

Cold Vespid

DALL·E 2022-08-14 09.41.53 - giant blue flying vespid.jpg

Cold vespids live in snowy forests and caves and are extremely territorial. If you've stepped into an area they've reclaimed, their watchers will detect you and the rest of the colony will stop what they're doing to attack you. Unlike their counterparts, they don't sting, but they can breathe icy wind. When enough of them reunite together to attack a victim, they'll slowly turn their body into hard ice and will use it as a source of food during the following days.

Cold Vespid Health 1
Reaction None
Attack 1 0 0 0 0 3 0
Threat: None
Defence 1 0 0 0 0 3 0
Threat: None
Keyword Summon, Elemental