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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills


The biggest unknown is not the vast land that you can't see, but rather the waves where you can't.

Dwarves want to be prepared for whatever comes their way, and even if they aren't, they could at least rest on the fact that Mother Earth is there to guide them. However, they'll have neither of that when stepping into open waters. Not only does it throw them off, but it also removes their connection to the earth, which they believe, is blasphemous.

Humans are somewhat the same. Even if they have built rafts to stand the test of time, they're still scared of the unpredictability of the harsh waves before them. They have had their relatives died from its scarring hands, so they prefer to stay foot on a more grounded spot.

Scared of Open/Running Water, Can't Swim

  • Social +1
  • When gaining Threat: Add +2 Threat Dice Dice-Black-Icon.png when near Open/Running water.
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Pages in category "Landlubber"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.