Waspkin Alchemist

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Dicey Dangers, Primordial Periodical Game by Joel Hills

Waspkin Alchemist

Waspkin Alchemist.jpg

The Waspkin alchemist, dedicated to safeguarding the nest, employs their expertise in potion brewing to concoct magical elixirs. These potions serve dual purposes: creating potent distractions to thwart would-be invaders and enhancing the abilities of their fellow Waspkin. With meticulous precision, they blend exotic ingredients to produce brews that imbue their kin with heightened strength, agility, and resilience. As the defender of the nest, their alchemical creations play a crucial role in fortifying the Waspkin against external threats, ensuring the continued safety and prosperity of their community.

Waspkin Alchemist Health 4
Reaction 0-2 Aggressive, 3-4 Hostile, 5+ Cautious
Attack 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Threat: None
Defence 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Threat: Roll 1d6 on a 6, Waspkin Alchemist heals 1 all other Waspkin in combat
Keyword Insect


If in a group of 5 or more Waspkin Alchemist and there isnt a Waspkin Queen, Roll a d6 on a 4-6 Summon a Waspkin Queen
