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Dicey Dangers, The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard Game by Joel Hills

Room 61 Dark Corner

Time-Icon.png Within the cavernous expanse, a hidden world unfolds. Obscured by shadow, a dark corner of the room is enshrouded in thick, glistening webbing. An aura of mystery permeates this space, and the eerie silence hints at something concealed within, waiting to reveal itself with sinister intent.

Spider Den Encounter Table
Roll Encounter
2 Portal
3 Clue
4 Treasure
5 Uncommon Monster
6 Common Monster
7 Event
8 Common Monster
9 Special Event
10 Rare Monster
11 Stranger
12 Epic Monster
CCVV-Icon.png The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard ********************************************************************************************************************************************