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Dicey Dangers, The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard Game by Joel Hills

Vultures Vineyard Ballroom Nightly Event

Roll on the Table below for an Event in the ballroom

Roll Event Skill Check Attribute Success Outcome Failure Outcome
11 A guest spills a drink on your character. Reflex(2) Quick reflexes prevent a mess. Your character's clothes are stained.
12 Dance competition starts; join for fun! Reflex(2) You impress everyone with your dance moves. Your dance skills are lacking, and you stumble.
13 Guest challenges you to a friendly duel. Body(2) You win the duel with grace and poise. You are defeated, and your pride takes a hit.
14 A musician collapses; can you take over? Mind(2) You play beautifully, earning applause. You fumble, and the music falters.
15 Spot a hidden message in a painting. Mind(2) You decipher the message's meaning. The message remains a mystery to you.
16 Help set up a complicated fireworks display. Reflex(2) You successfully set up the fireworks. You make a mistake, and the display falters.
21 Solve a riddle posed by a mysterious guest. Mind(2) You impress with your clever answer. Your answer is incorrect, and you're embarrassed.
22 Negotiate a deal with a shrewd merchant. Social(2) You secure a favorable agreement. The merchant outwits you in the negotiation.
23 Spot a hidden passage in the room. Reflex(2) You discover a concealed doorway. You fail to notice anything unusual.
24 Navigate a crowded dance floor gracefully. Reflex(2) You move with elegance, avoiding collisions. You bump into people and cause a scene.
25 Memorize a complex series of dance steps. Mind(2) You execute the steps flawlessly. You forget the sequence and stumble.
26 Defend someone's honor in an argument. Social(2) You make a persuasive argument and win the debate. Your argument falls flat, and you lose respect.
31 Identify a rare vintage of wine by taste. Mind(2) You correctly identify the wine's origin. Your guess is incorrect; the taste eludes you.
32 Calm a panicking guest during a commotion. Social(2) You reassure the guest, easing their anxiety. Your attempts to calm them only escalate panic.
33 Win a game of skill or chance at a table. Luck(2) You emerge victorious and claim the prize. Luck isn't on your side, and you lose the game.
34 Create a diversion to distract unwanted attention. Social(2) Your diversion works, keeping attention away. Your attempt fails, and the situation escalates.
35 Identify a rare artifact in the room. Mind(2) You correctly recognize the artifact's significance. You mistake it for a common item, missing its value.
36 Impress a skeptical noble with wit and charm. Social(2) Your charm wins them over; they become friendly. Your efforts fall flat, and they remain aloof.
41 Overhear an interesting piece of gossip. Social(2) You gather valuable information discreetly. You're noticed eavesdropping and shunned.
42 Spot a concealed thief attempting a theft. Reflex(2) You catch the thief in the act, preventing the theft. The thief escapes with their loot.
43 Lead a group dance and teach others the steps. Social(2) You inspire everyone to dance with style. Your instructions confuse dancers, causing chaos.
44 Negotiate a truce between feuding guests. Social(2) You successfully mediate and restore peace. Your efforts lead to further hostility.
45 Defend against an aggressive suitor's advances. Social(2) You politely but firmly decline their advances. Your rejection offends them, causing a scene.
46 Identify a rare, poisonous plant in a bouquet. Mind(2) You identify the plant, preventing harm. You fail to recognize it, risking potential poison.
51 Outwit a cunning prankster causing chaos. Mind(2) You cleverly counter their pranks, restoring order. The pranks continue, creating more confusion.
52 Deliver an eloquent speech to captivate guests. Social(2) Your speech leaves everyone inspired and moved. Your words fall flat, and guests grow bored.
53 Help a guest find a lost item in the ballroom. Mind(2) You locate the lost item and return it. Despite efforts, the item remains undiscovered.
54 Impress a renowned artist with your creativity. Mind(2) Your artistic expression garners admiration. Your efforts fail to impress the artist.
55 Arrange flowers into a stunning centerpiece. Reflex(2) Your arrangement becomes a visual delight. The flowers end up in a messy display.
56 Persuade a reluctant guest to join the party. Social(2) You convince them, and they join in the fun. Your persuasion falls on deaf ears, and they decline.
61 Investigate a strange noise coming from a corner. Reflex(2) You uncover the source, dispelling fear. You fail to locate the source, leaving unease.
62 Help a guest overcome stage fright to perform. Social(2) Your encouragement leads to a successful performance. Their fear intensifies, leading to a failed attempt.
63 Repair a damaged instrument for the musicians. Reflex(2) Your skillful repairs ensure flawless music. You make things worse, ruining the instrument.
64 Prevent an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction. Reflex(2) Your quick action prevents embarrassment. The wardrobe malfunction becomes a spectacle.
65 Impress a local historian with your knowledge. Mind(2) Your insights captivate them, sparking intrigue. You provide incorrect information, disappointing them.
66 Diffuse a heated argument between guests. Social(2) Your mediation restores harmony among them. Your intervention escalates the argument further.

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