Thermal Biting

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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills

Thermal Biting

Slow but deadly–that's exactly what Thermal Biting is for.

This is definitely not the spell you use when you want to immediately disintegrate your target. It's a spell when you don't want any evidence to be left behind. This destruction spell would affect your temperature, burning your organs from the inside out. Thermal biting can be used for metal doors, safes, locks, and even bodies. Just be careful what you wished for because once you've cast the spell, it's hard to turn back the clock.

Charge Use

Hero makes a Mind Skill Check Check the success and the table below add the Energy Prefix to a weapon for 1 Attack.

Mind Skill Check Energy Prefix
1 or 2
Glowing Dice-Orange-Icon.png ElementReplace.png 1 ElementAdd.png 0
3 or 4
Incandescent Dice-Orange-Icon.png ElementReplace.png 2 ElementAdd.png 0
5 or 6
Dence Dice-Orange-Icon.png ElementReplace.png 0 ElementAdd.png 1
7 or 8
Sonic Dice-Orange-Icon.png ElementReplace.png 1 ElementAdd.png 1
9 or 10
Power Dice-Orange-Icon.png ElementReplace.png 2 ElementAdd.png 1
Thermal Dice-Orange-Icon.png ElementReplace.png 0 ElementAdd.png 2
