Wind Walk

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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills

Wind Walk

Every locked door is an opportunity waiting to be explored. The ability to wind walk is nothing new to the mages of the School of Restoration, being one of the very first spells they have learned on themselves. Casters of this spell would be able to survey the places they have already been to, as fast as the wind–as many had said, coining the spell's name. It requires both their concentration and self-awareness, the two foundational characteristics for any adept mage. It could not be cast on others, but only on themselves. While the spell may appear easy, it had been one of the main causes of many accidents, so don't be too cocky just yet.

Charge Use

Hero makes a Mind Skill Check for every 2 successes you may pass thru a room that was already expllored without checking for room encounters.
