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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills


Their ties to nature allow them to connect with the elements. Some of them resound with the fiery flames exploding in their fingertips. Others prefer to be basked under streams of water, where everything is as peaceful as the warm daylight. Many would traverse with the wind; others prefer to walk with nature–as what is expected of them. Whatever element they connect with, it does not make them any less. In actuality, their bonds with nature are what keeps everything in balance.

Elementalist, May reroll (1) die of an each elemental type.

Dice-Red-Icon.png Dice-Yellow-Icon.png Dice-Orage-Icon.png Dice-Green-Icon.png Dice-Blue-Icon.png Dice-Purple-Icon.png

Any links Below this line are for Game Master only, Click at your own Risk

Pages in category "Elementalist"

This category contains only the following page.