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Dicey Dangers, HERO Generator Game by Joel Hills

Table 103: Fairy Traits

When you roll on the Heritage Trait table, you will add the result to the Heritage Trait keyword on your character sheet. Additionally, depending on the result, you may be asked to update one or more of your primary attributes or gain an item. If you gain an item, you will follow the item's properties table to determine its specific attributes and effects.

Roll 1d6 Heritage Trait (Keyword) Result
1 Dusty Will occasionally scratch out Fairy Dust like dandruff. Once per adventure Roll stats for Fairy Dust
Fairy Dust - - One-Use-Icon.png Bag - 1 Use
2 Moody Whole body lights up with Faerie Fire when you are emotional.
  • Determine Faerie Fire Attack equals 1/4 your Apparel Defense Dice-Red-Icon.png rounded down.
  • After Defending make a special Faerie Fire Attack on the attacker.
3 Grounded
Pendant - - Jewlery-Icon.png Backpack-Icon.png Bag

Has two little nubs on the shoulder blades where Fairy Wings would ordinarily be. You had them made into a Pendant to keep with you.

4 Waverly
Wand - - Backpack-Icon.png Bag

Starts with a beloved Wand

5 Nimble Quick and light in movement
  • May Reroll Reflex Tests.
  • Reflex +2
6 Elementalist Elementalist, May reroll (1) die of an each elemental type.

Dice-Red-Icon.png Dice-Yellow-Icon.png Dice-Orage-Icon.png Dice-Green-Icon.png Dice-Blue-Icon.png Dice-Purple-Icon.png

Go to Table 200: Hero Class

Start Hero Table 100: Hero Heritage Table 200: Hero Class Table 300: Hero Alignment Table:500 Starting Item Table:600 Hero Name Table 999: Finished Hero