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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills

Raiden, Deity of Chaos

Raiden is the Deity of Chaos. He is described as a dragon capable of controlling lightning and negative emotions. He is responsible for all the wars and diplomatic conflicts that have happened throughout history.

Raiden is also the big brother of Euthymia, as they were born during different stages of creation. However, unlike his sister, Raiden believes that death and chaos should go together. This belief has caused them to be in conflict since the beginning of time.


Chaos was the first thing to appear when this world was first created. Raiden found his paradise in the primordial state the world was in when it was formed and blessed it with lightning. However, it didn't last for too long. As other deities woke up and were born, his heaven slowly disappeared, and his power was never the same when the world was completely terraformed.

Thanks to his powers being dissected, Euthymia was born from the dead waste of his egg. Thus, it is said that hate was born at this exact moment.

Raiden and Euthymia have always had a turbulent relationship. At first, Raiden was indirectly responsible for the deaths of all that existed, but Euthymia started to change the transition to death to something more peaceful as the centuries passed. At some point, Raiden couldn't hold up his anger anymore and attacked Euthymia, who defended herself and scratched his face with her blade-like claws. These events marked the beginning of the first war the world had seen.

Although their conflict is far from over, Raiden doesn't let her sister's presence overshadow his. He is still planting the seed of hate in the hearts of the people; he is the patron of storms and continues to be why peace between all races or even within the same kind is something that only a few could dream of.

Physical appearance

Even though he is the most primordial deity, Raiden is depicted as a beautiful white dragon with shiny wings, a lizard-like body, and an elongated neck. His white scales reflect the sun's light and create lightning thanks to it whenever he is flying through the sky.

His claws have a good grip but are not as sharp as Euthymia's. Still, his body is electric to the touch and could kill any being within a few seconds regardless of its size. He can also create lightning with his mouth.

Raiden has bright blue eyes that seem to be made of water. Some speculate that they are portals to a temple in the ocean's depths. Thanks to this, pirates venerate him as the patron of storms.
