Dragon Breath

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Revision as of 04:25, 15 October 2021 by Paxe (talk | contribs)
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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills

Dragon Breath


Charge Use

Hero makes a Reflex Skill Check for each success Use a Threat Dice, and Roll on the Table below

Threat Die Roll Result
1 Add 3 Threat Die to your Treat Pool
2 Add 2 Threat Die to your Treat Pool
3 Add 1 Threat Die to your Treat Pool
4 or 5 or 6 add 2 Dice-Red-Icon.png Red, Dice-Orage-Icon.png Orange, Dice-Yellow-Icon.png Yellow, Dice-Green-Icon.png Green, or Dice-Blue-Icon.png Blue to an Weapon Item for one attack