Wind Walk

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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills

Wind Walk

Every locked door is an opportunity waiting to be explored. The ability to wind walk is nothing new to the mages of the School of Restoration, being one of the very first spells they have learned on themselves. In class, they would be asked to walk through glass, crates, and metal walls–anything that could better improve their concentration and self-awareness, being one of the two foundational characteristics to advance to newer heights. This ability, however, is very limited to the user’s power, and could only usually be performed on themselves. Casting it on others may require much more focus and understanding of the human anatomy, and as such, is usually taught in the much later years of their career.

Charge Use

Hero makes a Mind Skill Check for every 2 successes you may pass thru a room that was already expllored without checking for room encounters.
