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Dicey Dangers, The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard Game by Joel Hills

Vultures Vineyard Ballroom

Time-Icon.png You've walked into the ballroom instead of the bar. This area seems to be bigger than the rest of the rooms, and there is a big piano in the back of the room, which seems to be very old.

This place doesn't seem to get too many people nowadays. The walls are slightly cracked and a few plants have started to grow through them. Some of them appear to have been trimmed recently, making the area more accessible and visually appealing.

Maybe in the future there will be more people attending this place. For now, there's not that much to see.

Local Gathering

Roll x times on this table ignoring duplicates

Roll 1d6 Townsfolk
1 Person
2 Person
3 Person
4 Person
5 Person
6 Person

Travel Locations

  • South to the Bar

CCVV-Icon.png The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard ********************************************************************************************************************************************