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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills


Compared to other races, humans are ephemeral and fragile. Despite that, they have innovative, creative spirits that allow them to stand out in a world full of superior races. Although they were the youngest race to appear, some of the greatest alchemists and clerics have been humans.

Humans are the most varied race of all. Their physique, personalities, culture and beliefs can be different based on the region they live in. It's usual for them to stick together, so you'll rarely see them together with elves or dwarves, for instance.

Any human can become proficient in any area of expertise if they put enough effort into their training. This fact makes them the most versatile race of all, as there is little to no limits to what they can achieve.

Conversely, durability isn’t something that characterizes humans. They become more delicate and vulnerable as they age. Plus, there are only a few humans known to live more than 100 years. Still, having a short life isn’t a disadvantage for them. Humans are notable for being innate engineers, which has allowed them to catch up with all the other beings they share their world with. Thus, one can say that a human can make the impossible possible. Return to the Previous Table

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Pages in category "Human"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.