Faustinas Favor

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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills

Faustinas Favor

Faustina the Deity of Luck has granted a favor

Faustina had fought against all odds when she faced an all-powerful deity, and she respected adventurers who do the same. She admired their courage in facing the horrors of the world in which they've sworn they could not defeat. And to those heroes she had favored, they would be blessed by her flames of luck. However, courage is different from irrationality, so be sure to choose your next action wisely. You may induce the deity's wrath on you instead.

Charge Use

Once per Table Hero makes a Luck Skill Check count up the sucesses and check the table below

Luck Skill Check Results
1-3 Reroll a Table result
4-5 Reroll a Table result Add 1 or Substract 1 from the result
6+ Reroll a Table result Add 2 or Substract 2 from the result