Johnny Angel

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Dicey Dangers, The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard Game by Joel Hills

Johnny Angel

Johnny Angel is an old man with a keen sense of observation and a vast network of sources from whom he gathers information. He has a distinctive appearance, with grey curly hair, a dark brown fedora, and a grey goatee and mustache that he hides his pipe behind. Johnny is a valuable asset for anyone seeking information about someone or something, as he seems to know everything about everyone. However, his services come at a steep price, and one should be wary of dealing with him.

Despite his somewhat shady reputation, Johnny is respected in the community for his ability to gather information quickly and accurately. He is known to be discreet and trustworthy, and many people have turned to him in times of need. Johnny is also known for his dry sense of humor and quick wit, which often helps to lighten the mood during tense situations. All in all, Johnny Angel is a fascinating character with a wealth of knowledge and a mysterious past that only adds to his intrigue.

Johnny Angel Rumors

Time-Icon.png & a Token , Roll 1 time on this table

Roll 1d6 Townsfolk
1 Deep Rumor
2 Mystical Rumor
3 Cryptic Rumor
4 Private Rumor
5 Veiled Rumor
6 Arcane Rumor
CCVV-Icon.png The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard ********************************************************************************************************************************************