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Dicey Dangers, The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard Game by Joel Hills

Vultures Vineyard Lounge

Time-Icon.png As you relax in the Vultures Vineyard Lounge, you notice the walls are adorned with tapestries of various sizes, each one telling a different story. Some depict the town's history, while others show mythical creatures and legends from far-off lands. The atmosphere is cozy, and the flickering fire casts a warm glow over everything. As you sit there, you can't help but feel a sense of comfort and belonging, as if you've found a second home.

Local Gathering

Roll x times on this table ignoring duplicates

Roll 1d6 Townsfolk
1 Person
2 Person
3 Person
4 Person
5 Person
6 Person

Travel Locations

CCVV-Icon.png The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard ********************************************************************************************************************************************