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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills


While the dreamers imagine a world of love and freedom, the grim bask in the woes of reality. They are intrigued with the fleetingness of life, the frightening effects of diseases, and the ghastly aftermaths of wars. They thrive in the slums, where even the most dreadful people quake in their boots at the mere sight of them. They are assumed to be unapproachable, not just for their appearance but also for their unusual preference for morbidity and torture. Some could even swear to see a twitch in their lips every time gruesome details had been mentioned.

However, despite coming off as creepy and harsh in their dealings, they really do mean no harm. In fact, some might even say that their realism offers quite the trait in protecting the people they care for.

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Pages in category "Grim"

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