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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills



Those that get lost in forests are usually guided by mysterious signs. If that's what happened to you, that's probably because an elf saw that you got in trouble. Although it is difficult to spot them, Elves do exist. This mythical race has been hiding in the depths of the forests for centuries, as they prefer not to disrupt other beings' activities. They are usually silent, calm and kindhearted, unlike most people believe. Rumor has it that elves are connected to nature and can speak with trees. As trees are can easily communicate with each other, elves can figure out if a person or an animal is in trouble by talking to them. If forests have remained peaceful and safe throughout the history is because elves have been protecting it since they stepped into this world. As you can guess, elves have a strong sense of protection, but are also very selective with those they choose to protect. They’re capable of reading a person’s intentions and true feelings by touching them. Although it is true that they are kindhearted, they are divided in factions. Thus, they all have a different concept of morality and may have different visions of the world depending on their region and history.

Physical appearance

Comming soon

Characteristics and Traits

Coming soon

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Pages in category "Elf"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.