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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills


Fairies are humanoid, winged creatures with a diminutive size that barely reaches one foot in their origin form. Contrary to this, their projection form allows them to reach little more than an elf's height, but changing to this form makes them unable to use their wings as they become invisible.

Fairies are known as the antithesis of elves. While elves are calm and kindhearted, fairies are emotionally explosive, childish and immature.

Unlike other races, they're not born from the union between two counterparts. As magical beings, they appear instantly when a bubble explodes in a pond or when a flower blossoms. As each fairy has a unique personality, they come to this world in diverse ways.

As winged beings, they're capable of flying with grace, almost as if they were dancing. Physically speaking, they're very similar to elves, which is why they're constantly "sneaking" into their territories to prank them. Their wings can have distinct patterns, which is typically tied to their personality and physical abilities.

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Pages in category "Fairy"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.