Dicey Dangers, The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard
Game by Joel Hills
Carla Pebbrust
The lady is one of the oldest living Dwarven Sorcerer who had left the House of Sanctuary. Her tent would lie a few miles away from the Ancient Stone Arch, so she could devote her entire life attending to the needs of the Arch. Friendly to coming and going travelers, she’d always have a basket of sweet fruits and bread ready for them, whether they are exhausted from their journeys or excited to go on another. She is quite independent, refusing to accept help even if many had offered to do so. “The Old Sorcerer at the Arch” now became someone everyone had become accustomed to, much to her delight.
Carla Pebbrust Rumors
& a Token , Roll 1 time on this table
Roll 1d6 |
1 |
She absently takes your token, puts it in her pocket as she notices some weeds in the cracks of the stone structure and starts pulling them. Clearly she has forgotten about you.
2 |
3 |
4 |
Lightside Rumor
5 |
Arcane Rumor
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Natures Rumor