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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills


Fairies are humanoid, winged creatures with a diminutive size. They are known as the antithesis of elves. While elves are calm and kindhearted, fairies are emotionally explosive, childish and immature.

Unlike other races, they're not born from the union between two counterparts. As magical beings, they appear instantly when a bubble explodes in a pond or when a flower blossoms. As each fairy has a unique personality, they come to this world in diverse ways.

Their shiny wings make them capable of flying with grace, almost as if they were dancing. You won’t find two fairies with the same wing pattern and color, as each one is special. In addition, they're very similar to elves, with pointy ears and elongated bodies.

Faries often live in hidden grottos, most of the time in groups. Although most of their population can be found in places with vegetation, fairies have been spotted in hostile environments like deserts or volcanoes.

Despite being powerful magical creatures, they can be vulnerable to certain foes if they are alone. Thus, they are better at aiding their allies during the battle. If a fairy learns how to control their emotions and leave their childish nature aside for a while, they can become valuable allies to any group.

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Pages in category "Fairy"

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