Webshot Barrage

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Dicey Dangers, The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard Game by Joel Hills

Webshot Barrage

Webshot Barrage is a versatile spell that enables a caster to project a rapid volley of adhesive webs towards their target. The spell combines arachnid enchantments and elemental weaving, resulting in a visually stunning display. When cast, the casters hands or magical implement glow with an eerie, ethereal light, and they release a succession of web shots.

Charge Use

If the caster successfully hits the target, add 1D6 Webs to the target. the Webs restrict the target's movement.

Webs have 1hp and can be removed once they take dammage. If Webs take Fire damage, they deal 1hp damage to their host.

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