Gideon Goldenshield

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Dicey Dangers, The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard Game by Joel Hills

Gideon Goldenshield

Gideon Goldenshield is a stout-hearted Halfling Paladin whose unwavering dedication to justice is matched only by his unyielding loyalty to the common folk. Standing tall despite his diminutive stature, Gideon embodies the epitome of courage and compassion. With his gleaming golden armor and shield adorned with the sigil of his order, he commands respect wherever he goes. His warm demeanor and empathetic nature make him well-liked among the working people, who often turn to him for guidance and assistance. Gideon's extensive network of contacts ensures that he can easily recruit hirelings to aid the hero in their quests, drawing upon a diverse pool of skilled individuals ready to lend their expertise to noble causes.


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