Carla Pebbrust

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Dicey Dangers, The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard Game by Joel Hills

Carla Pebbrust

Carla Pebbrust is an elderly Dwarven Sorcerer who lives near the Ancient Stone Arch, and she has devoted her life to tending to its needs. She left the House of Sanctuary, and now her tent is just a few miles away from the arch. Despite her age, she is quite friendly and welcoming to travelers who come and go from the area, and she always has a basket of sweet fruits and bread prepared for them. Carla is an independent person who refuses to accept help, even if it is offered to her. Her reputation as "The Old Sorcerer at the Arch" has made her a familiar figure in the area, which she finds delightful.

Carla's knowledge and experience in sorcery have made her respected among the locals, and she is often sought out for advice and guidance. Her dedication to the Ancient Stone Arch is evident in the way she tends to it and ensures that it is in good condition. Her presence in the area has become an essential part of its character, and many travelers and locals alike have come to appreciate her generosity and kind-heartedness.

Carla Pebbrust Rumors

Time-Icon.png & 300 (rc), Roll 1 time on this table

Roll 1d6 Townsfolk
1 - 2 Absent Rumor
3 Mind's Eye Rumor
4 Lightside Rumor
5 Arcane Rumor
6 Natures Rumor


Time-Icon.png to purchace items from this table

Cost (rc) Item
1100 (rc) Ring of Natures Gate 10 charges

CCVV-Icon.png The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard ********************************************************************************************************************************************