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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills


"Your home is what you make it be."

A rogue’s home is where the heart wishes to go–whether it be as far as the sun or as near to his heart.

Nobody ever wants to see themselves interacting with a rogue, for interaction with them stereotypically stems from drug deals and criminal conspiracies. After all, there is no talking to a rogue without a deal involved, and no ‘deal with the devil’ is without its consequences.

However, rogues aren’t necessarily scoundrels of society. They only believe that to not fall for humanity’s treacheries, they simply must become liars and swindlers themselves. After all, how can you take advantage of someone who’s been in the game for years? They’re smart, quick on their feet, and have expanded sources of luck. While they may not be the best on the battlefield, they certainly know all the ins and outs of every alleyway. Rogues are travelers with nowhere to come back to, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

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See Also

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