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Dicey Dangers, The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard Game by Joel Hills

Farmers Market Center

Time-Icon.png The open field in Vultures Vineyard is a hub of activity, bustling with traveling merchants who set up their colorful tents to sell their wares. The grass here is kept short and neat, thanks to the efforts of Grog Trebonk or another caretaker from the Vultures Vineyard Lodge. The field is shaped like a large oval, with a tall flagpole rising from the center. The merchants use this flagpole to display their presence, raising their own unique market flags and streamers that flutter in the wind and guide visitors to their tents. With a vibrant and diverse array of goods on offer, this open field is a lively and exciting place to explore for those seeking adventure and new experiences.

Local Gathering

Roll 2 times on this table ignoring duplicates

Roll 1d6 Townsfolk
1 Person
2 Person
3 Person
4 Selena Grail
5 Grog Trebonk
6 Johnny Angel

Travel Locations

Market Locations

Roll 2 times on this table ignoring duplicates, These are the markets available for you today.

Roll 1d6 Townsfolk
1 The Sleepy Efreeti
2 Orange Market Tent
3 Yellow Market Tent
4 Green Market Tent
5 Blue Market Tent
6 Purple Market Tent
CCVV-Icon.png The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard ********************************************************************************************************************************************