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Dicey Dangers, The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard Game by Joel Hills

Well Worn Road

Time-Icon.png The main road thru town continues here to the south you can see an open field with many carts and wagons filled with goods for sale, and to the north a small road leads to some newly constructed houses.


Roll a d6 on a 5-6 a Traveling Caravan is making its way thru town. The caravan consists of several Wagons pulled by teams of horses and many travelers on foot. Make a Reflex(2) check to cross the street, if failed add a Time-Icon.png time check.

Local Gathering

Roll 1 time on this table below

Roll 1d6 Townsfolk
1 Person
2 Person
3 Cydney 'The Boar' Trixter
4 Cinnamon Turtlebeam
5 Grog Trebonk
6 Johnny Angel

Travel Locations

CCVV-Icon.png The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard ********************************************************************************************************************************************