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Dicey Dangers, The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard Game by Joel Hills

Vulture's Vineyard Town Center

Time-Icon.png As you arrive in the Town Center of Vultures Vineyard, you can't help but feel a sense of awe at the quaint beauty of the place. The buildings are made of sturdy logs and stones, and the locals walking about seem friendly and welcoming. Your eyes are drawn towards the largest building in town, the Entrance to Vulture's Vineyard Lodge. It stands two stories tall, and the combination of logs and old stone foundation gives it a rustic yet grand appearance. You can't help but wonder what kind of stories lie within its walls.

To the south of the Town Center is the House of Sanctuary. You imagine it to be a place of refuge and comfort for the locals, perhaps a shelter for the weary travelers passing through. The well-worn road that runs eastward suggests that this town sees a fair amount of traffic, which could explain the presence of such a place. To the west, you notice an Ancient Stone Arch that piques your curiosity. You can't help but wonder about the history behind such a structure, and what kind of secrets it might hold. All in all, Vultures Vineyard seems like a place full of mysteries and adventures waiting to be uncovered.

Local Gathering

Roll 3 times on this table ignoring duplicates

Roll 1d6 Townsfolk
1 Saul Vonner
2 Andrew Necros
3 Cydney 'The Boar' Trixter
4 Carla Pebbrust
5 Selena Grail
6 Johnny Angel

Travel Locations

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