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Dicey Dangers, Game Master Zone Game by Joel Hills

Core Rules

  • Dungeoneering
    • Navigation
    • Light
    • Doors
      • Knock spell to unlock magic locked doors
    • Henchmen
      • Personalitys
    • Making Camp

Adventures have a table of encounters, counting the number of pips till midnight add a bonus to the table

Hero Generator

  • Once Per Day, description
  • Cleric/Paladin Deity Power?

12 new spells

  • Alteration
    • Candlelight
    • Arcane Seal - Magic Lock/Unlock: This spell draws upon mystical energies to create a powerful magical seal that can secure entrances and containers, rendering them inaccessible to unauthorized individuals. By channeling their magical prowess, the caster can command the Arcane Seal to either lock or unlock with a specific incantation, providing them with control over the protected areas. It grants a sense of mystery and wonder, emphasizing the spell's connection to ancient arcane knowledge and its potential to safeguard valuable treasures or keep secrets hidden away from prying eyes.
      • fail table using threat dice
  • Conjuration
  • Destruction
  • Enchanting
  • Illusion
  • Restoration

Character Sheet

  • Maybe Descriptors
    • Age
    • Height
    • Weight
    • Hair Color
    • Wing Style

The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Vineyard

  • Wandering Monster Tables