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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills
Core Rule Book


Combat is one of the most prominent features in Dicey Dangers. It's very unlikely for you to go on an adventure without getting involved in at least one battle. Therefore, being familiar with the mechanics related to combat will help you defend yourself against the potential foes that may pose a threat to you.

There are three main aspects of combat to learn, which are explained below.


Before combatting you may make an Influence check against a Monster Influence and check the Monsters reaction table.

Hero Defense Phase

For each round of combat,

  • Check Monsters Threat Action, if there is enough Thread Dice available Monsers will use this first
  • Make a Hero Defense check (White Dice + Any color die used in the attack) vs the Monsters Attack (White Dice + Color Dice)

Hero Attack Phase

For each round of combat

  • Check Monsters Threat Action, If there are enough threat dice available they will use this action for defence.
  • Make a Hero Attack check (White Dice + Color Dice) vs the Monsters Defense (White Dice + Any color die used in the attack)
