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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills
Core Rule Book

Reactions are pivotal moments shaped by the outcome of a Social Skill Check. NPCs and monsters alike respond dynamically to the persuasiveness, charm, or intimidation of the characters, their actions setting the tone for unfolding encounters. A successful Social Skill Check might inspire trust, cooperation, or even admiration, leading NPCs to offer assistance, divulge valuable information, or forge alliances. Conversely, a failed check could provoke hostility, suspicion, or disdain, resulting in increased tensions, verbal sparring, or outright aggression from the NPCs or monsters. These reactions add depth and unpredictability to interactions, influencing the course of quests, negotiations, and conflicts within the game world.


Pages in category "Reaction"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.