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Dicey Dangers, Core Rule Game by Joel Hills
Core Rule Book


"Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend." – Theophrastus

Time is not on your side, its a limited resource in Dicey Dangers. Its used to mark progress thru the game by checking a box on the Day Clock or Night Clock, each check box represents about 10 minutes.

You can start you day by checking any morning checkbox, as your game continues start checking boxes in a clockwise motion. Feel free to camp for the night at anytime.

When you you mark time

  • When the adventure text tells you
  • When you move into a new room/location
  • At the end of a round of combat

Day Clock

The Day Clock starts on the outer ring, the first 2 hours are in shadow, then 8 hours of daylight, follower by 2 more hours of shadow.

  • If you were to check a Time Box in shadow add 1 Dice-Black-Icon.png Black Threat Dice to your dice pool.

Night Clock

The Night Clock starts on the outer ring, the first 2 hours are in shadow, then 8 hours of darkness, follower by 2 more hours of shadow.

  • If you were to check a Time Box in shadow add 1 Dice-Black-Icon.png Black Threat Dice to your dice pool.
  • If you were to check a Time Box in darkness add 2 Dice-Black-Icon.png Black Threat Dice to your dice pool.
